Sunday 19 April 2015

My Presentation: Mobile, Wireless and Pervasive Computing

Here, I would like to share on my presentation during the class. I have opted to 'tag-team' together with our class President, Mr. Arshad Raimi ( So, we has separated our parts. How do we present at class? Forum style! (Not Gangnam of course...) Dr. Norzaidi was the moderator and both of us is the panellist. Our President explained about What is M-Commerce, its Value Chain framework and the mobile computing infrastructure. My part? I only touched on the landscape of mobile computing. That's it. That's it? Yeah, That's it! Fullstop. Well, only that part interest our lecturer. Since I do not want to disappoint my classmates, here I share again in details of my topic (hahahaha...)

Landscape of Mobile Computing

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